What Is a Flush in Poker?

Poker is among the most popular card games worldwide for a reason: it is engaging, rewarding, and profitable. The World Poker Tour, a famous international gaming and entertainment brand, states that more than 100 million people worldwide enjoy online poker, and their number is constantly growing.

With more people learning the intricacies of this mesmerizing game, it is high time to update your knowledge and start your poker learning journey with this beginner-friendly guide. You’ll learn about the ranking of poker hands, the probability of getting a flush, and the best poker tips.

What Is a Flush? 

A flush is a poker hand that consists of five cards of the same suit that are not in sequential order. As far as strength goes, it is a mid-range poker hand that is weaker than a royal flush or straight flush but stronger than a straight one.

Here are a couple of flush poker hand examples:

A♠, J♠, 10♠, 3♠, 2♠

Q♦, J♦, 10♦, 9♦, 3♦

8 ♣, 7♣, 5♣, 4♣, 3♣

K♥, J♥, 9♥, 7♥, 3♥

Poker Hands Ranking Chart

To understand where the flush belongs in the hierarchy of other poker hands, here is a brief overview and ranking of poker hands.

 Poker Hand Additional Info
1Royal Flush10♥, J♥, Q♥, K♥, A♥10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace in the same suit, with Ace being the highest cardThe chances of getting a royal flush are 4 in 2,598,960
2Straight Flush6♥, 7♥, 8♥, 9♥, 10♥Five consecutive cards in the same suit
3Four-of-a-Kind7♠, 7♦, 7♣, 7♠, 10♥ Four cards of the same denomination, while one card should be of another denomination
4Full HouseK♠, K♦, K♠, J♥, J♣Three cards of the same denomination and two cards of any other denomination
5FlushA♠, J♠, 10♠, 3♠, 2♠ Five cards from the same suit but not in consecutive order
6Straight6♣, 7♥,8♦, 9♥, 10♠Five cards in consecutive order that don’t belong to the same suit
7Three-of-a-Kind3♦, 3♠, 3♥, K♠, 8♥Three cards of the same rank, while the other two cards belong to different ranks
8Two Pair10♠, 10♦, 5♣, 5♥, 2♥Two cards of the same rank, two of another rank, and one card of the third rank
9One Pair10♦,10♠, Q♣, 7♦, 6♥One pair of the same card
10High CardA♦, 9♥, 8♦, 6♠, 3♣When you don’t have any matching cards.

As you probably noticed, the royal flush is at the top of the ranking chart. And there is a reason for that. The chance of getting a royal flush, which consists of five consecutive cards, with Ace being the highest, is only 4 in 2,598,960.

Overall, a flush is quite a strong hand, as it beats straight, three-of-a-kind, two-pair, one-pair, and high cards. The only hands that rank above the flush are a full house, a four-of-a-kind, a straight flush, and a royal flush.

What Is the Probability of Getting a Flush in Poker?

The total number of flush hand combinations in the standard deck of 52 cards is 5,108. The probability of getting a flash hand is as low as 0.0019654. Compared to other poker hands, getting a flush is a rare occasion. It is more probable than getting a straight, which has 10,200 hand combinations with a probability of 0.003925, and less probable than getting a full house, which has 3744 hand combinations with a probability of 0.001441.

Which Flush Is the Strongest?

The strongest flush hand will have an Ace as the highest. It is followed by a flush that has a King, then a Queen, and so on. Notably, if both players have the same highest card (e.g., Ace), the second highest card will be decisive and bring victory.

Keep in mind that the strength of the flush highly depends on the poker variant you are playing. For instance, if you are playing Texas Hold’em, a flush is a pretty strong hand, while in other poker variations, its strength may diminish. If you use jokers and wildcards, it will be easier to form a flush.

Is It Possible to Win with a Flush?

Flushes can be quite rare, so you may have a good chance of winning. Still, always pay attention to the poker variant you are playing. For example, in Texas Hold’em, the introduction of community cards will result in a high probability of your opponent also having a flush.

Tips for Getting Flush

  • Don’t overestimate your flush hand. Although this poker hand is typically rare if you are playing with other players who share the same community cards, there is quite a high possibility that someone else may have a flush. Make sure that you have the strongest hand possible.
  • Another common mistake involves underplaying the strong flush draws. In such cases, you need to ensure that you are betting and rising with a strong flush hand. Thus, if someone challenges you, you will be able to fight back.
  • Choose the right strategy. Typically, if you have a strong draw, don’t be afraid to play aggressively and constantly rise to put pressure on your opponents. But if you have ended up with a weaker draw, consider following the passive strategy.

If you are only beginning your journey into poker or want to advance your knowledge, learning basic mechanics, such as how to form poker hands, is a must. By dedicating time to studying strategy and other intricacies, you will build up your current understanding of the game and start playing more comprehensively.